Author: Velmurugan
Drag And Drop Recyclerview Item Android [Example]
In this post, I have explained how to make a recyclerview item drag and dropable or swipeable by using the Android Support Library ItemTouchHelper.
Download File With Android Work Manager [Example]
WorkManager in Android is one of the parts of Architecture Components and Android Jetpack that runs the postponed background task when the task’s restrictions are fulfilled.
Create custom dialog in jetpack compose
In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to create a dialog in jetpack compose android in very simple steps. In this example, I have created multiple alert dialogs with different use cases.
Get the Current Location On Jetpack Compose
Are you want to get the current location on android in jetpack compose? In this tutorial, I have explained how to get the current location on android using jetpack compose.
How to get current latitude and longitude in android example
Knowing the current location of an android mobile will pave the way for developing many innovative Android apps to solve people’s daily problems.
How to get continuous location updates in Android
I will explain how to update the live location to the server every some interval. For example, sending live location to the server every 1 minute.
Make Your Layout Responsive With ConstraintLayout In Android
ConstraintLayout allows you to create large and complex layouts with a flat view hierarchy (no nested view groups).
How to capture images using the camera in jetpack compose
In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to capture images in a jetpack compose using a device camera. Also, I have added code to asking runtime permissions for the camera.
Guide To Setup Material Bottom Sheets In Android With Example
Android Bottom Sheet is the Android Materiel Design Components that slide up from the bottom of the screen. Also, part of the material design components.
Android Capture Image From Camera Programmatically [Updated]
Do you want to capture an image from the camera and set it into imageview or upload it to the server? then, this is the right post to learn.