Category: Uncategorized
Easy Guide To Setup Single Sign-On With AppAuth Android
Appauth Android is a client SDK for native apps to authenticate and authorize end-users using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. Available for iOS, macOS, Android, and Native JS environments.
Easy Steps To Setup Room Database In Android
Room Database is a part of the Android Architecture components which provides an abstraction layer over SQLite which allows for more robust database access while still providing the full power of SQLite.
Easy Guide To Setup Retrofit In Android With example
I am going to explain how to use the Retrofit REST client to consume the Rest Web services. Basically, Retrofit was developed by Square and It’s a type-safe REST client for Android.
How to pick multiple files from Android
In this tutorial, I am explaining how to pick multiple files in android using the default file chooser. By using this example, you can select images and files.
Pagination with Paging 3 in Android Example
The Paging 3 library helps you to load and display data from a larger dataset from local storage or from API. This will helps your app to use both network and system memory more efficiently.
Make REST API request with Kotlin ktor client in android
Ktor is a framework to easily build connected applications, web applications, HTTP services, and mobile and browser applications.
Kotlin Coroutines – Exception Handling and Cancellation
It’s very important to handle the exception that occurs during the networking operation or any IO operations in kotlin coroutines.
Kotlin Coroutines for Android Development
If you want to get started with Kotlin Coroutines for Android Development and want to master it, then this article is for you.
Easy guide to kotlin Koin – The Dependency Injection Framework
In this tutorial, I have explained another dependency injection framework that I recently adopted and how it has really simplified the process for me. That is Koin.